Recipients and domains

Education, information, social promotion and health are the areas of the projects for younger migrants and their families.

Priority recipients will be minor migrants and their families, but a particular attention will be dedicated to the victims of human trafficking and the most vulnerable categories of people, at three levels:

  1. first of all, projects will be implemented in the 10 countries where most minors come from, with a special focus on Africa, based on efficiency and effectiveness criteria, projects’ social impact, actual viability, implementing entities’ operational capacity and their pervasive presence in local areas;
  2. with respect to migration routes, the second level will focus on North African countries: transit places where migrants have constantly been suffering, especially minors;
  3. the third project level will involve the ecclesial entities who actively take care of minor migrants in Italy, starting from the ones that are closer to entry ports themselves.

 Priority domains will include:

  1. education and training (including vocational training),
  2. on-site information (on what it means to migrate),
  3. targeted social and healthcare projects for the weakest segments of the migrant population (minors and victims of human trafficking in particular),
  4. socio-economic projects to promote job opportunities, and support people who voluntarily want to go back to their countries.

Special and broad attention will be given to reconciliation processes and pathways, that will be managed by specialists in this field.